1994.08 至 1998.07:西安电子科技大学, 电子工程, 学士
2003.09 至 2006.04:电子科技大学, 电子科学与技术, 硕士
2018.09 至 2021.12:电子科技大学, 电子与信息, 博士
1998.07 至 2003.09:中物院电子工程研究所507室,助理工程师
2006.03 至 2010.06:中物院电子工程研究所507室,助理研究员
2010.07 至 2012.05:中物院电子工程研究所513室,副研究员,副主任
2012.06 至 2015.06:中物院电子工程研究所516室,研究员,主任
2015.07 至今:中物院微系统与太赫兹研究中心,研究员,首席专家,研究室主任
1. 省部级等奖励
2. 近五年代表性文章
[1]Tunable enhanced sensing of ferrite film using meander-shaped spoof surface plasmonpolaritonwaveguide[J]. Applied Physics Express, 2019, 12(111502): 1-5
[2]A modified Dickson charge pump circuit with high output voltage and high pumping efficiency[J]. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 2019, 101(6).
[3]A broadband 630-720 GHz Schottky based sub-harmonic mixer using intrinsic resonances of hammer-head filter[J]. China Communications, 2019, 16(2): 76-84
[4]Design of W band hairpin filter with IPD technology[C]. IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, 2019, Guangzhou, 1-3
[5]A quasi-physical compact large-signal model for 70 nm process GaAs HEMTs[C]. IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, 2019, Guangzhou, 1-3
[6]An S-band GaAs multifunction chip for transmit/receive modules[J]. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2020, 68(1): 398-404
[7]An improved colpitts VCO with low phase noise using a GaAsBiHEMTprocess[J]. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2020, 30(1): 70-73
[8]A Sandwiched-Slab-Transformer-Based SiGe Power Amplifier Operating at W- and D-Bands IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 2020, 30(6):597-600
[9]Millimeter-wave on-chip bandpass filter based on spoof surface plasmonpolaritons[J]. IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2020, 41(8): 1165-1168
[10]A Novel Calibration Method for Signal Leakage between Multiple Channels in Array Imaging[J]. Electronics, 2020, 9(10): 1628
[11]A D-band wideband E-Shaped patch loaded by open stubs for antenna in package (AiP) application[C]. IEEE International Wireless Symposium, Shanghai, 2020, 1-3
[12]GaAs spoof surface plasmonpolariton half-mode substrate integrated waveguide[C]. IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, 2020, Shanghai, 1-3
[13]A wideband nonlinear behavioral model for D-band power amplifiers including memory effects[C]. IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, 2020, Shanghai, 1-3
[14]A 315-340GHz amplifier/multiplier chain with 8.5 dBm peak output power IEEE International Wireless Symposium 20-23 Sept. 2020
[15]On-chip GaAs-based spoof surface plasmonpolaritons at millimeter-wave regime[J]. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2021, 33(5): 255-258
[16]A High Efficiency D-band 32-Channel Radial Waveguide Power Divider/Combiner 2021 IMS 2021, 566-569
[17]Phase Noise Effects on the Performance of High-Order Digital Modulation Terahertz Communication System CHINESE JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS 2022, 31(3): 589-594
[18] 6G新频谱:太赫兹无线通信之“思与行” 太赫兹科学与电子信息学报2022, 20(2):159-165
[19]A 325-GHz Balanced Frequency Tripler Based on Novel Three-Port E-Probe With Individual Groundings for RF and DC IEEE Microave and Wireless Technology Letters 2023, 33(4):411-414
[20]A Novel Four-Port Configuration With Improved Efficiency and Power-Handling Capability for Diode-Based Doublers in Submillimeter Waves IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 2023, 71(8):3585-3595
3. 代表性专利
[1] 一种载波频率估计方法,ZL201110135384.4,发明专利
[2] 一种XXX系统与天线车的对接装置,ZL201110011678.6,国防发明专利
[3] 一种成形滤波器滚降系数估计方法,ZL201110116509.9,发明专利