2002年获复旦大学应用力学专业理学学士学位, 2005年获中国工程物理研究院研究生部流体力学专业工学硕士, 2013年获中国工程物理研究院研究生部凝聚态物理专业理学博士。 2005年至2019年在流体物理研究所105室工作。 2019年至今在流体物理研究所实创中心工作。 现任研究员、副主任、硕士研究生导师。
招生专业:流体力学(077203或080103)。 研究方向:流体力学前沿科学与技术。 具体研究内容是: 1、材料和结构动态变形与损伤断裂的理论、算法和数值模拟; 2、凝聚炸药起爆动力学的物理建模和数值模拟研究; 3、基于数据驱动(机器学习与人工智能等)方法的计算力学应用研究。
在材料响应和破坏、爆炸与冲击动力学高置信度数值模拟软件研制等方面取得系列创新成果。在《PRL》、《JMPS》、《IJP》等国内外学术期刊上发表论文30余篇。中国力学学会计算力学专业委员会非连续性有限元专业组成员,中国数学会计算数学专业委员会会员,四川省力学学会第九届理事会理事,南方计算力学专业委员会委员。获得中物院自然科学类科技创新奖二等奖1项、军队科技进步三等奖1项,获授权发明专利5项、软件著作权3项,入选中物院第七批“双百人才工程”。 近期发表论文如下: [1] J.S. Bai, X.Wang, X.Y. Pei,Y.Wang,Y.Y. Yu,Q. Shen,G.Q. Luo,C.D. Dai. An Improved Impactor Design for Eliminating Spallation in High-Impedance Flyers During Hypervelocity Launch, Experimental Mechanics (2016) 56:1661–1664. [2] Yao, Song-Lin,Pei, Xiao-Yang,Yu, Ji-Dong,Bai, Jing-Song,Wu Qiang,A dislocation-based explanation of quasi-elastic release in shock-loaded aluminum,Journal of Applied Physics,2017.01.01,121(3) [3] F.X. Liu, Z.L. Liu, X.Y. Pei, J.Q. Hu, Z. Zhuang, Modeling high temperature anneal hardening in Au submicron pillar by developing coupled dislocation glide-climb model, International Journal of Plasticity, 99 (2017) 102-119. [4] Song-Lin Yao, Xiao-Yang Pei*, Ji-Dong Yu*, Qiang Wu, Scale Dependence of thermal hardening of FCC metals under shock loading, Journal of Applied Physics, 128, 215903(2020) [5] Songlin Yao, Xiaoyang Pei, Zhanli Liu, Jidong Yu*, Yuying Yu, Qiang Wu, Numerical investigation of the temperature dependence of dynamic yield stress of typical BCC metals under shock loading with a dislocation-based constitutive model, Mechanics of Materials, 140, 103211(2020) [6] Songlin Yao, Jidong Yu, Yinan Cui, Xiaoyang Pei, Yuying Yu, Qiang Wu, Revisiting the power law characteristics of the plastic shock front under shock loading, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 126, 085503 (2021) [7] Hao Zhang, Hui Peng, Xiao-yang Pei*, Ping Li, Tie-gang Tang, and Ling-cang Cai. A Phase-field model for spall fracture. Journal of Applied Physics. 129, 125903(2021) [8] Hao Zhang, Xiao-Yang Pei, Hui Peng, Jian-Ying Wu*. Phase-field modeling of spontaneous shear bands in collapsing thick-walled cylinders. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 249, 107706(2021)。 [9] Hao Zhang, Hui Peng, Xiaoyang Pei*, Songlin Yao, Hongliang He, and Ping Li. Critical damage degree model of spall fracture in ductile metals, Journal of Applied Physics. 130_125105(2021). [10] Zhenfei Song, Xiaoyang Pei, Jidong Yu, Jianheng Zhao *, Fuli Tan. Hypervelocity impact tests on a Whipple shield using a flyer plate in the velocity range from 4 km/s to 12 km/s, International Journal of Impact Engineering.156-103899(2021). [11] Songlin Yao, Xiaoyang Pei, Jidong Yu*, Qiang Wu,Assessment of the time-dependent behavior of dislocation multiplication under shock loading, International Journal of Plasticity. 158,103434, ( 2022). [12] Zhang, H.; Peng, H.; Pei, X.-Y*., et al., Phase-field modeling of coupled spall and adiabatic shear banding and simulation of complex cracks in ductile metals. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2023, 172, 105186. [13] Songlin Yao, Jidong Yu, Xiaoyang Pei, Yinan Cui, Hao Zhang, Hui Peng, Yi Li, Qiang Wu, A coupled phase-field and crystal plasticity model for understanding shock-induced phase transition of iron. International Journal of Plasticity. 2024,173, 103860.